Tuesday, December 13, 2005

1 - 2 Weeks Healing

I was quite bruised, but in very little (if any) pain. As you can see the bruising went down significantly after the first week and was barely noticeable by the end of the second week. Many of the photos I have seen on the net dont have bruising for this long, some women apparently dont really bruise at all... I guess I just bruise easily!

After the steri-strips came off (a visit to the surgeon who removes them with tweezers) I had micropore tape put on, which I will keep on the incisions for 3 months. Apparently this takes some of the tension/weight off the scars, so they heal better.

I also seem to have lost quite a bit of weight, either because I havent got my appetite back yet, or just because I havent adjusted to the new me yet! Either way its nice to feel good about my shape / size!


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