The healing process
I'm going to be completely honest and blunt about my experiences because I think its important to have realistic expectations of what you will and wont be able to do after surgery. For the first few days I was quite weak and can't remember much due to the effects of anaesthesia. I think my greatest concern was feeling vulnerable (to being bumped or knocked), and I was lucky enough to have family around to do things for me, so I was able to just rest and that made me feel safer. I was very sleepy but didnt really feel like sleeping, infact I dreaded sleeping because I can't stand sleeping on my back. I did try to practice this before surgery, but alas, always woke up on my tummy. Anyway the unconcious mind is a wonderful thing and so far I have remained asleep on my back all night, just not getting a lot of sleep and waking up a bit sore (muscles in back and neck are adjusting). So, to counteract this I have a sleep during the day, which is a bit of a luxury by any standard ;)
When the District Nurse comes to check my 'wounds' (as she calls them), I get a good look at the incisions, and believe me it is taking some getting used to the new, smaller me. I guess its a bit of a radical change in body image! While the steri-strips were still on and there was lots of bruising and caked blood and things, I did get a little woozy when trying to have a shower or get dressed, but once I moved onto micropore tape and the incisions started to close over properly, I felt much more secure. Once I got to that stage, (of being comfortable) the hardest thing was to keep from doing too much, eg lifting, pulling, all the little things around the house you take for granted. So, I did a lot of reading, watching tv and dvds... taking time out every couple of hours to take a walk outside or a wee nap. The District Nurse gave me some exercises to do, gently wiggling my fingers while raising my arms slightly, and im still doing some breathing exercises to make sure I get enough oxygen into the tissues etc.
The wounds themselves haven't bothered me at all. My nipples did get a bit dry and raw because of tape and gauze rubbing, but other than that I can make no complaints. In fact while I've been so relaxed at home here, I've had no headaches or sore muscles other than waking up in the morning from sleeping on my back. That is FANTASTIC huh?
Your the first "real person" I have found giving a great insight into the process, I have been looking on line for info.. thanks for being so candid.. I am definatley going for it fed up with with the wieght, those women who want large breast should have mine in a swap and see how 'sexy' ho hum they feel.
I'm one week post op and looking forward to the bandages coming off...
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